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RE: bash crashed in AIX/VIOS

From: Ciesla, Karol
Subject: RE: bash crashed in AIX/VIOS
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2018 19:07:34 +0000

And, forgot to say, it is bash 4.4-4, 32-bit version.

Kind regards
Karol Ciesla
Expert IT Engineer

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-----Original Message-----
From: Ciesla, Karol
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 9:02 PM
To: chet.ramey@case.edu; bug-bash@gnu.org
Subject: RE: bash crashed in AIX/VIOS

Sorry, it's my first time I report bug with bash (or any other GNU program).
VIOS is a special edition of AIX, that acts as a virtual hypervisor on PowerVM 
On this host I have VIOS, which corresponds to AIX 6.1 TL9 SP9.
How can I send core dump? It is 16 MB.

Kind regards
Karol Ciesla
Expert IT Engineer

itelligence Sp. z o.o. ▪ ul. Owocowa 21B ▪ 62-080 Tarnowo Podgorne
phone: +48 61 816 73 13 ▪ mobile: +48 504 111 166
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www.itelligence.pl ▪ Social Media Channels itelligence sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w 
Tarnowie Podgórnym 62-080, ul. Owocowa 21B, wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców 
prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy Poznań - Nowe Miasto i Wilda w Poznaniu , 
Wydział VIII Gospodarczy pod numerem KRS 0000042686, NIP: 527-00-17-763, 
Wysokość kapitału zakładowego: 1.500.000,00 zł Dokument ten zawiera informacje 
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-----Original Message-----
From: Chet Ramey [mailto:chet.ramey@case.edu]
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 8:45 PM
To: Ciesla, Karol <Karol.Ciesla@itelligence.pl>; bug-bash@gnu.org
Cc: chet.ramey@case.edu
Subject: Re: bash crashed in AIX/VIOS

On 4/27/18 11:38 AM, Ciesla, Karol wrote:
> Hello, I'd like to report bash crash in VIOS. What should I provide?

You could start with the information that the bashbug program collects before 
it sends a report. Basically, that's information about your environment (what 
is `VIOS'?) and the bash version you're running, details of the crash including 
a stack traceback from any core dump, and a way to reproduce the crash so I can 
troubleshoot it.


``The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.'' - Chaucer  ``Ars longa, vita 
brevis'' - Hippocrates
Chet Ramey, UTech, CWRU    chet@case.edu    http://tiswww.cwru.edu/~chet/

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