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Things that work in bash-5.0 but not work in bash-5.1-rc1

From: Hyunho Cho
Subject: Things that work in bash-5.0 but not work in bash-5.1-rc1
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2020 16:50:37 +0900

< bash-5.0 >

$ read rows cols < <(stty size)

$ echo $rows $cols
19 95

< bash-5.1-rc1 >

$ read rows cols < <(stty size)
stty: 'standard input': Inappropriate ioctl for device

$ echo $rows $cols
                                   <---- empty


< bash-5.0 >

# emacs start with contents of ls command output
$ ls | emacs < /dev/tty --insert <(cat)

< bash-5.1-rc1 >

# emacs does not start with contents of ls command output
$ ls | emacs < /dev/tty --insert <(cat)


< bash-5.0 >

$ ( trap 'uname' CHLD; date )
Wed Oct  7 16:39:55 KST 2020

< bash-5.1-rc1 >

$ ( trap 'uname' CHLD; date )           # some strange warning messages appear
Wed Oct  7 16:40:05 KST 2020
bash: warning: run_pending_traps: recursive invocation while running
trap for signal 17

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