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lastpipe doesn't lastpipe when stdin (fd 0) is closed

From: Tomas Janousek
Subject: lastpipe doesn't lastpipe when stdin (fd 0) is closed
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2020 19:28:38 +0000


bash-5.1 (and judging from git blame, all versions that ever supported lastpipe, so 4.2+) fails to honor lastpipe when run without fd 0:

    $ bash -O lastpipe -c 'echo x | read x; echo x=$x'

    $ bash -O lastpipe -c 'echo x | read x; echo x=$x' <&-

    $ bash -O lastpipe -c 'exec </dev/null; echo x | read x; echo x=$x' <&-

The issue seems to be that execute_cmd.c:execute_pipeline insists on saving/restoring stdin which obviously fails when there's no stdin open at all:

    lstdin = move_to_high_fd (0, 1, -1);
    if (lstdin > 0)
        /* lastpipe in effect here */

(I got bitten by this because acpid runs action scripts with closed stdin, so lastpipe doesn't work in those while the same script invoked manually works. I wish bash gave me a warning instead of silently falling back to non-lastpipe behaviour.)

Tomáš Janoušek, a.k.a. Pivník, a.k.a. Liskni_si, https://work.lisk.in/

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