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Re: Possible Linker Bug with static template member on Solaris

From: Ian Lance Taylor
Subject: Re: Possible Linker Bug with static template member on Solaris
Date: 15 Jun 2004 12:02:00 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

Axel Habermann <address@hidden> writes:

> >Perhaps.  Certainly the assembler should not set the CONTENTS or LOAD
> >flags.  I don't know if there a way for the compiler to tell the
> >assembler this when using the Solaris syntax for the .section
> >pseudo-op.  What does the Solaris assembler do with this input?  Does
> >it set the section type to SHT_NOBITS or SHT_PROGBITS?
> >
> >
> Section Header[511]:  sh_name:
> .gnu.linkonce.b._ZN19InternalNotificatorI12ChangeRecordE14notificatorMapE
>     sh_addr:      0               sh_flags:   [ SHF_WRITE  SHF_ALLOC ]
>     sh_size:      0x4             sh_type:    [ SHT_PROGBITS ]
>     sh_offset:    0x68398         sh_entsize: 0
>     sh_link:      0               sh_info:    0
>     sh_addralign: 0x4

So, it doesn't work with the Solaris assembler either.  Ergo, it is a
compiler bug.

I think the question is: how can the compiler use Solaris .section
syntax to tell the assembler to use SHT_NOBITS for this section?  I
don't know what the answer is.  The documentation for .section in the
Solaris assembler manual:
doesn't suggest anything.

We can fix this for gas by making it recognize ".gnu.linkonce.b*"
specially.  But the code will still break with the Solaris assembler.

So I think this is still a compiler bug: the compiler must avoid
.gnu.linkonce.b* on Solaris.

I recommend that you file a compiler bug report.  See
Let me know if you do that, and I'll add some comments if


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