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Re: Objcopy to convert binary file to object file for Cortex-M4

From: nick clifton
Subject: Re: Objcopy to convert binary file to object file for Cortex-M4
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2014 12:03:05 +0000
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Hi Steve,

Sorry for my previous email blunder ... obviously I don't post to public
forums often :).

Sorry about going all officious on you over that, but it is important that people realize that this list is a public forum.

My question (in the clear) is if there is an existing means to perform the
binary to ARM EABI 5 object file conversion or whether this support is just
missing from the current set of utilities?

No. :-(

I’m trying to use the objcopy utility for ARM to convert a binary file into
an object file to be linked into a system build and I’m running into an
issue that I hope someone can help with.  The issue is that the resulting
object file is in the ARM EABI 0 format instead of the ARM EABI 5 format
required by the linking process.

There is however an alternative...  The assembler .incbin directive.  As in:

  % cat make-section.s
  .section .data
  .incbin binary-file

  % arm-rtems4.11-as make-section.s -o make-section.o

  % arm-rtmes4.11-readelf -h make-section.o
  Flags:                             0x5000000, Version5 EABI

I assumed that you wanted to put the binary file into the .data section, but obviously you can change that by editting make-section.s.


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