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sccs2rcs to perl

From: Michael Sterrett -Mr. Bones.-
Subject: sccs2rcs to perl
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 18:12:20 -0500 (EST)

My monthly resend of this script.

I guess I'll include the script directly this time in the hopes that
maybe people don't like attachments and that's the reason I still haven't
gotten a response from anyone in the CVS development team.  The script
(sccs2rcs.in) is attached in-line after the original message.

It would be nice to receive some comment from the CVS development team.
This is the third time I've sent this out the the mailing lists with not
a peep from anyone about it.  Very disappointing.

Michael Sterrett
  -Mr. Bones.-

On Thu, 3 Jan 2002, Michael Sterrett -Mr. Bones.- wrote:

> Please consider adding this re-write of sccs2rcs to the contrib directory.
> This re-write in perl:
>     o runs in about half the time of the csh version (which is going to
>       make our local conversion more pleasant)
>     o uses no temporary files in /tmp (still leaves the log there)
>     o adds no additional package dependency (for deb and rpm, etc.)
>       since there are several perl scripts already in contrib
>     o removes the package dependency on csh (for deb and rpm, etc.)
> Other notes:
>     I've added support for %P% => $Source$ which we use here, but was
>     missing from the original script.
>     I've updated the "tested under" comment at the top of the script
>     to reflect my own testing - I don't have access to an Ultrix box,
>     but this script should work there.
>     The output is slightly different from the csh script in that I've
>     removed the printing of the initial ci command without description.
>     It seemed inconsistent to me since none of the other commands were
>     printed.  Also, during testing, it made it easier to compare the
>     results of the csh script and the perl script as I've chosen to use
>     the -m option to ci (supported on all the architectures to which I
>     have access).
> Thanks,
> Michael Sterrett
>   -Mr. Bones.-
> michael.sterrett@coat.com
> P.S.  Derek, Larry -- you guys got this directly since you seemed to be
> the ones most likely to check something in based on browsing the history
> in contrib.  Sorry if sending to you directly is a faux pas.


#! @PERL@ -w
# -*-Perl-*-
use strict;
# Sccs2rcs is a script to convert an existing SCCS history into an RCS
# history without losing any of the information contained therein.
# It has been tested under the following OS's:
#     SunOS 4.1.3 5.6 5.7
#     Linux
# Things to note:
#   + It will NOT delete or alter your ./SCCS history under any
#     circumstances.
#   + Run in a directory where ./SCCS exists and where you can
#       create ./RCS
#   + /usr/local/bin is put in front of the default path.
#     (SCCS under Ultrix is set-uid sccs, bad bad bad, so
#     /usr/local/bin/sccs here fixes that)
#   + Date, time, author, comments, branches, are all preserved.
#   + If a command fails somewhere in the middle, it bombs with
#     a message -- remove what it's done so far and try again.
#         "rm -rf RCS; sccs unedit `sccs tell`; sccs clean"
#     There is no recovery and exit is far from graceful.
#     If a particular module is hanging you up, consider
#     doing it separately; move it from the current area so that
#     the next run will have a better chance or working.
#     Also (for the brave only) you might consider hacking
#     the s-file for simpler problems:  I've successfully changed
#     the date of a delta to be in sync, then run "sccs admin -z"
#     on the thing.
#   + After everything finishes, ./SCCS will be moved to ./old-SCCS.
# This file may be copied, processed, hacked, mutilated, and
# even destroyed as long as you don't tell anyone you wrote it.
# Ken Cox
# Viewlogic Systems, Inc.
# kenstir@viewlogic.com
# ...!harvard!cg-atla!viewlog!kenstir
# Various hacks made by Brian Berliner before inclusion in CVS contrib area.
# Converted to perl by Michael Sterrett - michael.sterrett@coat.com
#     Hard to tell if that should be filed under "mutilated" or "destroyed".

# Globals
my $logfile = "/tmp/sccs2rcs_${$}_log";

# Could have used a hash for the keywords except we want to guarantee
# the order
my @sccs_keywords = (
    '%W%[       ]*%G%',
    '%W%[       ]*%E%',
    '%Z%%M%[    ]*%I%[  ]*%G%',
    '%Z%%M%[    ]*%I%[  ]*%E%',
    '%M%[       ]*%I%[  ]*%G%',
    '%M%[       ]*%I%[  ]*%E%',
# This is used for checking if we need to do keyword substitution or not.
my $big_sccs_pattern = join('|', @sccs_keywords);

# the quotes surround the dollar signs to fool RCS when I check in this script
my @rcs_keywords = (

# Subroutines
sub error_exit()
    print("\n\nDanger!  Danger!\n");
    print("Some command exited with a non-zero exit status.\n");
    print("Log file exists in $logfile.\n\n");
    print("Incomplete history in ./RCS -- remove it\n");
    print("Original unchanged history in ./SCCS\n");

# This routine is used by the Schwartzian Transform in the main loop
sub by_version
    my $limit = ($#{$a} > $#{$b}) ? $#{$b} - 1 : $#{$a} - 1;

    for (my $c = 0; $c <= $limit; $c++) {
        my $x = ($a->[$c] <=> $b->[$c]);
        return $x if ($x);
    return ($#{$a} > $#{$b}) ? 1 : -1;

# we'll assume the user set up the path correctly
# for the Pmax, /usr/ucb/sccs is suid sccs, what a pain
#   /usr/local/bin/sccs should override /usr/ucb/sccs there
$ENV{'PATH'} = '/usr/local/bin:' . $ENV{'PATH'};

# Error checking
die("Error: ./ not writable by you.\n") unless ( -w '.' );
die("Error: ./SCCS directory not found.\n") unless ( -d 'SCCS' );
die("Error: ./old-SCCS directory found.\n") if ( -d 'old-SCCS' );
my @tell = `sccs tell`;
die("Error: sccs tell failed.\n") if ($?);
if (@tell) {
    die("Error: ", scalar(@tell), " file(s) out for edit...clean up before 

if ( -d 'RCS' ) {
    print("Warning: RCS directory exists\n");
    opendir(RCS, 'RCS') or die("Couldn't opendir(RCS): $!\n");
    die("Error: RCS directory not empty\n") if (grep { !/^\.\.?$/o} 
} else {
    mkdir('RCS', 0777) or die("Error: Failed to mkdir RCS: $!\n");


# Sanity check in case the user added/changed things
unless (@sccs_keywords == @rcs_keywords) {
    die("\@sccs_keywords and \@rcs_keywords are mismatched\n");

# Get some answers from user
print("\nDo you want to be prompted for a description of each\n");
print("file as it is checked in to RCS initially?\n");
print("(y=prompt for description, n=null description) [y] ?");
my $prompt_for_desc = (<> =~ /^y?$/io) ? 1 : 0;
print("\nThe default keyword substitutions are as follows and are\n");
print("applied in the order specified:\n");
for (my $c = 0; $c < @sccs_keywords; $c++) {
print("Do you want to change them [n] ?");
if (<> =~ /^n?$/io) {
    print("good idea.\n");
} else {
    print("You can't always get what you want.\n");
    print("Edit this script file and change the variables:\n");
    print('    @sccs_keywords', "\n", '    @rcs_keywords', "\n");
    exit 0;

# Loop over every s-file in SCCS dir
# match only "s." files and get rid of the "s." at the beginning of the name
opendir(SCCS, 'SCCS') or die("Couldn't opendir(SCCS): $!\n");
# match only "s." files and get rid of the "s." at the beginning of the name
for my $file (sort (grep { s/^s\.//o } readdir(SCCS))) {
    my $firsttime = 1;
    my %revisions; # hash so we're unique (was sort -u in csh so ...)
    # get all the prs info once to save calling "sccs prs" for *each* revision
    my @sccs_prs = `sccs prs $file` or die("sccs prs $file failed\n");

    # pick out just the revision lines and store the date/time and author
    # for the rev loop below
    for (grep { /^D /o } @sccs_prs) {
        @_ = split(' ', $_, 6);
        push(@{$revisions{$_[1]}}, $_[2] . ' ' . $_[3], $_[4]);
    # remove the old file.  We overwrite to it later so this is non-critical

    # Schwartzian transform - see man perlfaq4
    # Sorting SCCS versions...what a pain.
    for my $rev ( map { $_->[$#{$_}] } sort by_version map { [ split(/\./o), $_ 
] } keys(%revisions)) {
        my ($date, $author) = @{$revisions{$rev}};

        # Y2K fixup for date
        $date =~ s/^(\d\d)/$_ = ($1 + 0 < 70) ? "20$1" : "19$1"/oe or
            die("What the...?!! Bad dates found: $date\n");

        print("\n==> file $file, rev=$rev, date=$date, author=$author\n");

        # add RCS keywords in place of SCCS keywords and create the file
        open(F, ">$file") or die("Couldn't open $file for write: $!\n");
        # This could be faster if we read in the entire file, but that would
        # be bad for small-memory machines.  Better safe than sorry.
        for (`sccs get -k -p -r$rev $file 2>> $logfile`) {
            # only do the *slow* s// loop if we'll actually s// something.
            if (/$big_sccs_pattern/o) {
                # sed? we don't need no stinking sed - do keyword substitutions
                for (my $c = 0; $c < @sccs_keywords; $c++) {
                    # If there aren't any more left, get out early.
                    !/$big_sccs_pattern/o and last;
        error_exit if ($?); # check the return of the `sccs get...`

        # same output as the csh version for that warm fuzzy feeling
        print("checked out of SCCS\n");
        print("performed keyword substitutions\n");

        # check file into RCS
        if ($firsttime) {
            $firsttime = 0;
            unless ($prompt_for_desc) {
                print("about to do ci\n");
                open(CI, "|ci -f -r$rev -d\"$date\" -w$author -m\"Initial 
revision\" $file >> $logfile 2>&1") or die("ci failed");
                error_exit if ($?);
                print("initial rev checked into RCS without description\n");
            } else {
                print("\nEnter a brief description of the file $file (end w/ 
                my @description = ();
                while (<>) {
                    push(@description, $_);
                open(CI, "|ci -f -r$rev -d\"$date\" -m\"Initial revision\" 
-w$author $file >> $logfile 2>&1") or die("ci failed");
                print(CI @description) or die("description to ci failed\n");
                error_exit if ($?);
                print("initial rev checked into RCS\n");
        } else {
            # get RCS lock
            my $lckrev = $rev;
            $lckrev =~ s/\.\d+$//o;

            if ($lckrev =~ /\./o) {
                # need to lock the branch -- it is OK if the lock fails
                system("rcs -l$lckrev $file >> $logfile 2>&1");
            } else {
                # need to lock the trunk -- must succeed
                system("rcs -l $file >> $logfile 2>&1");
                error_exit if ($?);
            print("got lock\n");
            my @old_comments = ();
            my $comments = 0;
            for (@sccs_prs) {
                # skip down to the revision we're looking for..until empty line
                next unless (/^D $rev\s/../^$/o);
                last if (/^$/o); # we found what we came for so get out early
                # once we find ^COMMENTS:, grab lines until we're done.
                $comments = 1, next if (/^COMMENTS:/o && !$comments);
                next unless ($comments);
                push(@old_comments, $_);
            open(CI, "|ci -I -f -r$rev -d\"$date\" -w$author $file >> $logfile 
2>&1") or die("ci failed\n");
            print(CI @old_comments);
            print("checked into RCS\n");

# Clean up
print("cleaning up...\n");
rename('SCCS', 'old-SCCS');
print("       Conversion Completed Successfully\n\n");
print("         SCCS history now in old-SCCS/\n");

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