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Re: [patch] sort symbolic tag names in "cvs log" output

From: Derek Robert Price
Subject: Re: [patch] sort symbolic tag names in "cvs log" output
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 11:17:45 -0400
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Paul Edwards wrote:

"Max Bowsher" <maxb@ukf.net> wrote in message 
The symbolic names section of "cvs log" output is a pain to read,
as it's in no useful order.

This trivial patch sorts them alphabetically.  I've tested it
(including the edge case of a file with no tags) and it works just
Personally, I like the status quo - that the tags are in reverse
chronological order of creation.

Me too.  At least put a non-default #ifdef around it, if making
it a configuration option/command-line switch is too much work.

Or you could just create a sortedlog script that does
cvs log -h | sort

although I more commonly need to do a | grep xxxx | head

I agree with Paul and Max. This one is easy enough to script. I'll vote to pass on this one, unless there is a large outcry from users.



Email: derek@ximbiot.com

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OPHELIA  Could beauty, my lord, have better commerce
 than with honesty?
HAMLET  Ay, truly.  For the power of beauty will sooner
 transform honesty from what it is to a bawd than the
 force of honesty can translate beauty into his likeness.
 This was sometime a paradox, but now the time gives it
 proof.  I did love you once.
OPHELIA  Indeed, my lord, you made me believe so.

    - Hamlet, Act III, Scene 1, Lines 109-116

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