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FYI: CVS Import Bug - Please Respond

From: Oproescu Bogdan (KTXA 3)
Subject: FYI: CVS Import Bug - Please Respond
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2005 14:55:23 +0200

   Hello bug-cvs mailing list, 

   We still have the problem that I described below on July 29, and namely 
   the corrupted CVS Files that result for our parallel CVS Imports into the 
   SAME Module and Repository pair on our CVS Central Server. 

   Please read this message below and let us know if you can resolve 
   this CVS Bug and also send us an estimate of the effort and length 
   of time required to solve this. 

   Important: I have also reproduced the error below ( both Type 1 and 2 ) 
   using a similar setup, but this time a CVS Import that runs in parallel with 
   a CVS Tag and Untag ( ie. "cvs tag SampleTag TestModule" and 
   "cvs tag -d SampleTag TestModule" pair ). The SAME Error below 
   appears after a few iterations of the CVS Import and CVS Tag Commands. 
   Please also consider this error and let me know if it is related to the 
first one. 
   Can it be because "cvs import" is not atomic, and therefore a parallel "cvs 
   on the SAME Module & Repository pair acts equivalently to 2 parallel cvs 
   Will the solution to the first error above be the same as for the second 
error also? 

   Please respond asap as this issue is very urgent for us. 

   Thanks in advance for your quick response, Bogdan 

   Bogdan Oproescu 

   Technology & Services
   Advanced Middleware &
   Development Environments KTXA 3 
   Postfach 600
   CH-8070 Zürich
   Tel.: +41 1 334 6846
   Fax.:+41 1 332 8024
   E-Mail: bogdan.oproescu@credit-suisse.ch
   Internet: http://www.credit-suisse.ch/de/index.html 
> ______________________________________________ 
> From:         Oproescu Bogdan (KTXA 3)  
> Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 2:14 PM
> To:   'bug-cvs@nongnu.org'; Oproescu Bogdan (KTXA 3)
> Cc:   'bug-cvs@gnu.org'
> Subject:      CVS Import Bug - Please Respond 
> Importance:   High
>    Hello Bug-CVS Mailing List, 
>    We are working with CVS at Credit Suisse and we have noticed what we think 
> is a CVS Bug: 
>    when we import a Module repeatedly, call it TestModule for the sake of our 
> discussion, into some 
>    Repository on our central CVS Server, call it TestRepository, CVS works 
> correctly. 
>    However, when we introduce the 2nd to Nth CVS Clients into this picture, 
> and keep importing 
>    this same module TestModule into this same repository TestRepository, from 
> possibly different 
>    build servers, we get the following errors: 
>    1. Error Type 1: 
>       [cvs] cvs import: Importing /rep/fnagl/FNDB/agl/FNDB
>       [cvs] cvs [import aborted]: cannot rename file 
> /rep/fnagl/FNDB/agl/FNDB/,FNDB_T.jar, to 
> /rep/fnagl/FNDB/agl/FNDB/FNDB_T.jar,v: No such file or directory
>       [cvs] U FNDB/agl/FNDB/component.xml
>       [cvs] U FNDB/agl/FNDB/FNDB_T_src.jar
>       [cvs] U FNDB/agl/FNDB/FNDB_src.jar
>       [cvs] U FNDB/agl/FNDB/build.xml
>       [cvs] U FNDB/agl/FNDB/qmbbuildstatus.xml
>       OR: 
>    2. Error Type 2: 
> cvs [checkout aborted]: unexpected '\x45' reading revision number in RCS file 
>               /rep/fnagl/FNORB/agl/FNORB/FNORB.jar,v
>    This is a very important issue for us because we have nightly builds 
> performed from the 
>    Files in our CVS Repositories, and this File Corruption is causing a lot 
> of our CVS Users
>    at Credit Suisse to be stalled and lose considerable time in the process. 
>    Please let us know if you can resolve this CVS Bug and also give us 
>    an estimate of the effort and length of time required to solve this. 
>    All the Best and Cheers, Bogdan 
>    Bogdan Oproescu   
>    Technology & Services
>    Advanced Middleware &
>    Development Environments KTXA 3 
>    Postfach 600
>    CH-8070 Zürich
>    Tel.: +41 1 334 6846
>    Fax.:+41 1 332 8024
>    E-Mail: bogdan.oproescu@credit-suisse.ch> 
>    Internet: http://www.credit-suisse.ch/de/index.html 
> <http://www.credit-suisse.ch/de/index.html> 

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