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Next Steps: CVS Import Bug - Please Respond

From: Oproescu Bogdan (KTXA 3)
Subject: Next Steps: CVS Import Bug - Please Respond
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 10:42:59 +0200

   Hello Bernd, 

   Thanks for your message below. Here are my answers to your questions: 

   1. The failures seem to move around at random, but the pattern seems 
   always to be large .jar files, causing time overlap between 2 or more 
   parallel CVS Clients into the SAME Module and Repository pair on our 
   CVS Central Server. Same is true for the import-tag pair on 2 or more 
   parallel CVS Clients, but I think this is another manifestation of the 
   first problem, namely that the "cvs import" is not atomic, so 2 or more 
   parallel CVS Clients will produce this issue, over and over again. 

   2. Our CVS Central Server is Unix Solaris 8.0: 
cvsadmin@su64sr20% uname -i -m -p -r -s -v
SunOS 5.8 Generic_117350-02 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-480R
   3. I know you have no obligation to agree to fixing this issue 
   or to agree to any particular outcome, I am simply asking if you 
   or anyone else in the CVS Open Source Community can help us to 
   resolve these 2 CVS Bugs: parallel import-import and import-tag. 

   Please respond asap as this issue is urgent for our 900+ CVS Users 
   at Credit Suisse. 

   Cheers & Regards, Bogdan 

   Bogdan Oproescu   

   Technology & Services
   Advanced Middleware &
   Development Environments KTXA 3 
   Postfach 600
   CH-8070 Zürich
   Tel.: +41 1 334 6846
   Fax.:+41 1 332 8024
   E-Mail: bogdan.oproescu@credit-suisse.ch
   Internet: http://www.credit-suisse.ch/de/index.html

-----Original Message-----
From: Bernd Jendrissek [mailto:berndj@prism.co.za] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 9:37 AM
To: Oproescu Bogdan (KTXA 3)
Cc: 'Jim Hyslop'; 'bug-cvs@nongnu.org'
Subject: Re: More Info: CVS Import Bug - Please Respond

Hash: SHA1

[Just some random questions...]

On Tue, Aug 09, 2005 at 11:04:46AM +0200, Oproescu Bogdan (KTXA 3) wrote:
>    1. It is not only FNDB_T.jar that causes problems, there are also other 
>    jar files in the repository /rep/fnagl that recreate the same errors 
> below. 

Do the failures occur on the same files every time, or do they move
around at random?

>    2. I have reproduced these errors with CVS Clients 1.11.19 and 1.11.17 
>    and CVS Server 1.11.19, as shown below: 
> C:\Temp>cvs version
> Client: Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.19 (client)
> Server: Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.19 (client/server)

Is the server running on *n*x or on Windows?

>    3. We did tag the .jar files as binary in the $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/cvswrappers 
>    file as shown below: 
> cvsadmin@su64sr20% more cvswrappers

Looks like *n*x... or is it Cygwin?

>    Please therefore reconsider this issue urgently for us here 
>    at Credit Suisse, as this is causing further grief for a lot 
>    of our CVS Users. 

Please remember that I am merely another user of CVS, and have no
obligation to agree to any particular outcome.

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