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Re: Windows realloc & GNU

From: Derek Price
Subject: Re: Windows realloc & GNU
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 15:43:50 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (Windows/20050716)

Conrad T. Pino wrote:

>Function call "realloc( 0, 0 )" returns a pointer.

Then you should be okay, though a few additional tests may be in order
just to be sure (does the pointer look like it is from the same general
data space as a pointer returned from malloc(1) in the same program? 
can you write a single byte to it without memory protection catching a
fault?  Can you free it without a fault?)



Derek R. Price
CVS Solutions Architect
Ximbiot <http://ximbiot.com>
v: +1 717.579.6168
f: +1 717.234.3125

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