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Re: dired mode subshell doesn't handle strange names properly

From: Paul Jarc
Subject: Re: dired mode subshell doesn't handle strange names properly
Date: Fri, 03 May 2002 17:49:49 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.090006 (Oort Gnus v0.06) Emacs/21.2 (i686-pc-linux-gnu)

toby.h.ferguson@sun.com (Toby H Ferguson) wrote:
> I created a directory called '-Djava' - I listed it using dired, but
> when I went to do a 'dired-do-shell-command' on it (the command being
> rm -rf), the command failed with the following output:
> rm: illegal option -- D
> rm: illegal option -- j
> rm: illegal option -- a
> rm: illegal option -- v
> rm: illegal option -- a
> usage: rm [-fiRr] file ...
> This can be fixed by ensuring that the arguments are followed by '--'
> - but I don't know if this is general.

It would be better to add "./" to the beginning of the filename, just
in case rm doesn't understand "--".

> In general the filename strings out to be marked as not to be
> interpreted at the underlying shell level.

The shell isn't involved in this problem.  It's all in rm's argument


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