Bug within desktop-save functionality in OS X port???
Sebastian Tennant
Bug within desktop-save functionality in OS X port???
Tue, 8 Apr 2003 21:20:37 +0100
Operating System: Mac OSX 'Jaguar' 10.2.4
Emacs version: 21.1.1 (pre-compiled version that ships with Developer Tools)
I believe this is a bug, forgive me if I'm wrong. To try and be as sure as possible I created a brand new user and tried the following sequence from this new home directory:
Launch Terminal (default shell - tcsh)
% emacs
C-x C-f test (enter 'This is a text file' in new buffer)
M-x text-mode
M-x auto-fill-mode
M-x customize-group <RET> desktop
desktop-enable [toggle] non-nil (saving state for future sessions, .emacs created)
M-x desktop-save <RET> (selecting home directory, .emacs.desktop created)
C-x C-c <y RET> (writing file 'test' to disk)
% emacs 'test' read & buffer created but in FUNDAMENTAL mode, auto-fill mode preserved.
I've tried re-ordering this sequence, ie, 'desktop-enabling' before setting the major & minor mode but to cut a long story short, the major mode text-mode is simply not being preserved, even when starting emacs completely from scratch, i.e., in a whole new home directory. I have posted pleas for help at help-gnu-emacs without success. The best explanation I've been given so far was that a function involved with restoring the desktop must be crashing and that I should check my *Messages* buffer immediately after start-up, and failing that, disable my .emacs file (effectively starting from scratch) and see if the problem persisted. I have done both, (no relevant messages were being shown), and this has lead me to conclude that there must be a bug.
Dying to know what's going on / if it's a bug / if not, what I'm missing / doing wrong.
"War is not the answer..." - Marvin Gaye - 'What's Going On?'