Series of bomb blast in London on 07/07/2005 killed number of peoples and injured more than 1000.
Another Bomb blast in London on 21/07/2005 played havoc injuring one person.
London Police is still investigating the case and could not reach to any conclusion. London Police with the help of other International Agencies may arrest few peoples. But can they stop such incidents in near future?. They should adopt a practical approach to tackle this problem. Prevention is better than cure. Do Tony Blair wants to just give a speech after the occurrence of the incident? Is his duty over?
Terrorist attacks of such large magnitude cannot occur without the help of huge finance. From where such finances are coming? How many countries are involved in financing such terrorists? What are the possible routes of transferring money from one country to another? If International community can block these areas, future terrorist attacks that will definitely be bigger than recent attacks, prays God, should not be, can be stopped.
Some of the terrorist groups who have branches in India, Pakistan, Dubai, Kuwait, United Kingdom and U.S.A. could manage to get promissory notes worth about U.S.$ 88.00 millions from one of the Indian Private Bank. One Indian Nationalized counter confirmed these promissory notes. The final destinations of this money were London and United States of America.
Gujarat Police raided the houses of the directors of the bank and recovered forged passports. The Banks directors and friends traveled United States of America on these fake passports. Did Gujarat Police informed about such incidents to National and International Investigative agencies?
No, Instead, Gujarat Police helped officials of Nationalized and Private Banks. No report was sent to Central Bureau of Investigation (India), Federal Bureau of Investigation (U S A) or any other Investigative Agencies of India and abroad about the recovery of fake passports.
The Gujarat Police did not feel it important to inform Ministry of Foreign Affairs, India about traveling of these persons to United States of America on forge documents. Gujarat Police did not inform about the issuance of promissory notes worth more than U.S $ 87.00 millions by these directors who had sent their friends and relatives to United States of America on forge documents.
Gujarat Police also helped the officials of an Indian Nationalized Bank who were responsible for issuing counter guarantee. In this deal more than 5 Countries were involved. These Bank officials upto the rank of General Manager of an Indian Nationalized Bank asked Indian court for Anticipitatory bails which was later withdrawn by themselves. The court records show that these officials of the Nationalized Bank had admitted in writing of having support of Gujarat Police. They have stated in their statement to Honorable Court that police have assured them of protection.
London Police with the help of other investigative agencies should enquire about supply of money of these routes. They should also enquire that whether some one from any of these 5 countries had entered into London on legal or illegal documents. London Police should enquire all such deals where same pattern is used. London Police should enquire Pakistans role in such deals.
If we really want to check such terrorist attacks in future, we should enquire about the role of Indian Nationalized Bank, Private Bank. We should know why Gujarat Police had supported these suspects. We should enquire about the distribution of illegal funds among police, Bank Officials and others. This one lead will definitely help International community to block these routes of financing and thus these terrorist attacks.
More revelations in coming Editions