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Be on the Front Page of Google within 48 Hours! Guaranteed!

From: Important! Your web site WILL
Subject: Be on the Front Page of Google within 48 Hours! Guaranteed!
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 08:31:18 +0100

Dear James
FirstiPage Position For your web site on Googleior youriMoneyiBack!
We offerito place your webisite directly onto the firstipage for your listing of the most used searchiengine in thetworld!
Thousandsiof clients have seen theirisites go from nowhere to being on theifront page ofiGoogle!
Our service isiGuaranteed! If we do notiachieve a frontipage place for your webisite in 48iHours, You get yourimoney Back!
Siximonths on the FrontiPage ofiGoogle
for ONLY £79.95
To findiout more about thisiservice please pressithe buttonibelow and we willisend to you a linkito our webisite
Theipower behindiglobal internetiexposure!
This is a Businessito Businessiemail in fulliaccordance with the law.  To beiremoved pleaseigo to ourisite andirequestiremoval.tIfiyou have receivedithisiemail in errortplease accept ouriapologies.qeqwee

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