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Re: 23.0; Error in generated makefile on windows xp

From: Jason Rumney
Subject: Re: 23.0; Error in generated makefile on windows xp
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 17:17:25 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080213)

Christoph Conrad wrote:
Current CVS emacs, Visual Studio .NET 2003.

.\configure.bat  --with-msvc --without-png --without-jpeg --without-gif 
--without-tiff --without-xpm

| FONTOBJ = $(BLD)/w32font.$(O)
| endif

in "src\makefile" should be

| FONTOBJ = $(BLD)/w32font.$(O)
| !endif

'!' is missing at two places.

If someone can come up with a simple fix that does not break the build when using GNU make/gcc, then it can be installed, but since that conditional will eventually be removed before 23.1 goes into pretest, I don't think it is worth spending a large amount of time overhauling the build process for.

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