I installed via `brew install emacs --HEAD`.
# Kill any running emacs
$> pkill emacs
# Disable all config
$> mv ~/.emacs /tmp
# Start given command
$> \emacs -Q -nw --eval '(kill-word 1)'
> `Symbol's value as variable is void: type` # (at startup)
I am in terminal mode, even with `xterm-mouse-mode`. clicking on `option` does not work.
When I do `M-x toggle-debug-on-error` and try to copy a region (C-space, M-w) I get:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable type)
#[(&rest _args) "\301\302\303^H#\207" [type error "No method %S for %S frame" gui-set-selection] 4](CLIPBOARD #("sfdsaf\n\ndsaf\n" 0 7 (fontified t) 7 8 (fontified t) 8 13 (fontified t)))
gui-set-selection(CLIPBOARD #("sfdsaf\n\ndsaf\n" 0 7 (fontified t) 7 8 (fontified t) 8 13 (fontified t)))
gui-select-text(#("sfdsaf\n\ndsaf\n" 0 7 (fontified t) 7 8 (fontified t) 8 13 (fontified t)))
kill-new(#("sfdsaf\n\ndsaf\n" 0 7 (fontified t) 7 8 (fontified t) 8 13 (fontified t)))
copy-region-as-kill(25 38 1)
kill-ring-save(25 38 1)
funcall-interactively(kill-ring-save 25 38 1)
call-interactively(kill-ring-save nil nil)