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bug#66068: 30.0.50; xwidget-webkit-browse-url makes Emacs abort

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: bug#66068: 30.0.50; xwidget-webkit-browse-url makes Emacs abort
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2023 07:32:32 +0200

> Cc: 66068@debbugs.gnu.org
> Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2023 21:39:47 +0100
> From:  Stephen Berman via "Bug reports for GNU Emacs,
>  the Swiss army knife of text editors" <bug-gnu-emacs@gnu.org>
> My memory was wrong: in fact, the same output appears at the end of the
> GDB backtrace attached to my OP in this bug.  And I just ran the emacs I
> built against the latest webkitgtk under gdb, and when I start it with
> -Q (or -q), invoking xwidget-webkit-browse-url makes it crash, and the
> backtrace appears to be essentially the same as the one in my OP (except
> in some of the frames the output is now much less detailed; perhaps
> because I'm now building emacs with native compilation?).  And just as I
> reported in a previous followup, when I start my fresh build of emacs
> with -q -xrm "emacs.synchronous: true" outside of gdb, I also get the
> crash, but when I start it under gdb with the same command line
> arguments, then invoking xwidget-webkit-browse-url works fine.  I have
> no idea why there is this difference, and no one offered an explanation
> for it the last time; maybe this time?

I don't have an explanation, but I want to point out that it is still
possible to debug these crashes with GDB: by producing a core file and
then invoking GDB on that core file.  There are some restrictions and
disadvantages to what you can do in GDB when debugging a core file as
opposed to a running program, but most of the functionalities will
still work, and might provide valuable insights.

So my suggestion is to get Emacs to crash when you run it with
'-q -xrm "emacs.synchronous: true"', and then debug the core file and
post the findings here.


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