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Re: fcntl module

From: Eric Blake
Subject: Re: fcntl module
Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 20:37:36 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090812 Thunderbird/ Mnenhy/

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According to Bruno Haible on 8/23/2009 6:01 PM:
> Now that we have pipe2, accept4, the next step is to combine them with
> the *-safer functionality. This overlaps with F_DUPFD and F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC.
> So, the actual better primitives are
>     dup_ex (int fd, int flags, int minimum)

I almost wonder if it is better to change the signature of the existing
dup_safer to take extra parameters.  There are a few clients of dup_safer
that would have to pass the extra argument, but most users go via
"unistd--.h" which can adjust the #define appropriately.  In other words,
I see no reason to invent dup_ex, rather just adjust the API of dup_safer.

Whether or not we change the signature of dup_safer, I think this would be
a better primitive (then we can map dup, dup2, fcntl, and dup_safer onto
the same primitive):

/* Duplicate FD into a new file descriptor, at least as large as MINIMUM,
and first closing any existing fd at minimum if OVERWRITE.  FLAGS can
contain O_CLOEXEC, O_TEXT, or O_BINARY.  */
gl_dup (int fd, int minimum, int flags, bool overwrite)

dup (n)                       -> gl_dup (n, 0, 0, false)
dup2 (n, m)                   -> gl_dup (n, m, 0, true)
dup3 (n, m, flags)            -> gl_dup (n, m, flags, true)
fcntl (n, F_DUPFD, m)         -> gl_dup (n, m, 0, false)
fcntl (n, F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC, m) -> gl_dup (n, m, O_CLOEXEC, false)
dup_safer (n)                 -> gl_dup (n, 3, 0, false)
dup_safer_noinherit (n)       -> gl_dup (n, 3, O_CLOEXEC, false)

>     pipe2_ex (int fd[2], int flags, int minimum)

Seems okay (although maybe the name gl_pipe2 is better than pipe2_ex):

pipe (fd)               -> pipe2_ex (fd, 0, 0)
pipe2 (fd, flags)       -> pipe2_ex (fd, flags, 0)
pipe_safer (fd)         -> pipe2_ex (fd, 0, 3)
pipe2_safer (fd, flags) -> pipe2_ex (fd, flags, 3)

and "unistd--.h" would automatically pick up pipe2_safer.

>     accept4_ex (int s, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen, int flags, 
> int minimum)


Another thought I had would be inventing our own O_SAFER flag (which we
then mask off before calling the real underlying functions, but use its
presence to guarantee that any fd returned will be 3 or larger).  It
doesn't map very well to fcntl or dup2, (but those interfaces can already
specify a minimum or target fd), and doesn't make sense with dup3 (which
specifies a target fd).  But it makes life for all the other safer
variants possible; and it very much does imply that we'd need a gl_dup
primitive for dup/dup_safer/dup_noinherit.  For that matter, proposing an
O_SAFER to the glibc folks might be worthwhile.  At which point, we have
things like:

open_safer (s, f [, m]) -> open (s, f | O_SAFER [, m])
pipe (fd)               -> pipe2 (fd, 0)
pipe_safer (fd)         -> pipe2 (fd, O_SAFER)
pipe2_safer (fd, flags) -> pipe2 (fd, flags | O_SAFER)
dup (n)                 -> gl_dup (n, 0)
dup_safer (n)           -> gl_dup (n, O_SAFER)
dup_safer_noinherit (n) -> gl_dup (n, O_SAFER | O_CLOEXEC)

> I prefer the dup_ex interface to fcntl, because it supports not only
> O_CLOEXEC but also O_TEXT / O_BINARY and possibly other flags in the future.

But at least you can change O_TEXT/O_BINARY after the fact, without
risking the security hole that O_CLOEXEC was invented to plug.

- --
Don't work too hard, make some time for fun as well!

Eric Blake             address@hidden
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Cygwin)
Comment: Public key at home.comcast.net/~ericblake/eblake.gpg
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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