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GNUstep Weekly Editorial 15-11-2001

From: Adam Fedor
Subject: GNUstep Weekly Editorial 15-11-2001
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 08:40:24 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux ppc; en-US; rv:0.9.4) Gecko/20010915

   Since I am away tomorrow, the weekly editorial is already available
   from [1]http://www.gnustep.net

Editorial 15 November 2001

  The mailing-lists

   Again the GNUstep IRC-channel was mentioned on the list. Some think it
   is a handy addition to the mailinglists, if you want to join go to the
   OpenProjects server and /join #GNUstep

   Then there was a large inquiry from Ziemowit Laski from Apple, who
   asked if there was any interrest in Objective-C++ in the GNU Compiler
   Collection (gcc). And yes, there was interest. A lot of positive
   responses followed.

  Code changes

   The major issue this week ofcourse was the release of gnustep-make
   version 1.2.0. Our many thanks go out to Nicola Pero, for this great

   Richard Frith-Macdonald added a lot of documenting in Base.gsdoc and
   made NSUserDefaults log to syslog, made NSNumber and NSUserDefaults
   MacOS X compatible.

   NSBrowser encoder and decoder added by Laurent Julliard

   And Fred Kiefer did a lot of work on the Font handling side.


   No major changes this week.


   Martin Brecher released the first version of GWorkspace.app User

   Dennis Leeuw


   1. http://www.gnustep.net/

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