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Updating Main Window

From: Pascal Bourguignon
Subject: Updating Main Window
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 10:13:59 +0100 (CET)


It  seems the  main  window is  never  updated when  for example  it's
resized while there is a key panel  in a modal loop in front of it. At
least, it's not updated before the modal loop is stopped.

Now, even  when the main window is  key window, with no  modal loop, I
find in general that it's  quite difficult to have the display updated
consistently. I have  a ScalingScrollView, and when I  change the zoom
factor more often than not, the updating don't make it to the screen.

I've put  a redraw button  with this action,  but this has  no effects
with GNUstep:

        [scrollView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
        [treeView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
        [treeView drawRect:[treeView bounds]];

Some  times,  by just  moving  the window,  the  content  view of  the
NSScrollView/NSClipView is  grayed out and don't  reappears before the
window is resized.

All  of this behavior  is quite  strange, because  on OPENSTEP  4.2 my
application's working perfectly.

__Pascal_Bourguignon__              (o_ Software patents are endangering
()  ASCII ribbon against html email //\ the computer industry all around
/\  and Microsoft attachments.      V_/ the world http://lpf.ai.mit.edu/
1962:DO20I=1.100  2001:my($f)=`fortune`;  http://petition.eurolinux.org/

Version: 3.1
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