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remove DnD image before drop

From: Willem Rein Oudshoorn
Subject: remove DnD image before drop
Date: 22 Jan 2002 21:54:42 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.1

The drag image should be removed from the screen after
the `prepareForDragOperation' and before the
`performDragOperation' calls to the destination.
However it is not a trivial fix to get this right.

In the meantime I propose to remove the drag image
before the `prepareForDragOperation' call.  

The alternative is to remove it after the 
`concludeDragOperation'.  This is how it is done
now, and this behaviour was introduced together
with the slideback functionality.

The disadvantage of the current implementation
is that in GWorkspace the peformDragOperation
creates a NSAlertPanel and while this alert panel
is visible, the drag image is still on the screen.

The following patch removes the drag image before
sending the final DnD events.

2002-01-22  Willem Rein Oudshoorn  <woudshoo@xs4all.nl>

        * xgps/Source/SharedX/XGDragView.m ([XGDragView -_handleDrag:]): 
orderOut the
        drag window before sending the final DnD events.  Added a FIXME comment.

Attachment: xgdrv.diff
Description: XGDragView remove Image before drop

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