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[Bug #3637] EOAttribute components read in from file but not written out

From: nobody
Subject: [Bug #3637] EOAttribute components read in from file but not written out
Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 13:23:09 -0400

=================== BUG #3637: LATEST MODIFICATIONS ==================

Changes by: David Ayers <d.ayers@inode.at>
Date: Fri 05/16/2003 at 19:23 (Europe/Vienna)

------------------ Additional Follow-up Comments ----------------------------
OK, I'm not sure when I'll be able to verify the actual format of 
parameterDirection on WO 4.5's .storedProcedure format.  But for now, I've 
uploaded a patch that fixes these issues, writes parameterDirection in the 
format of EOF of OS 4.2 yet parses both formats.  I'll commit it to cvs once 
I've verified it.

------------------ Additional Bug Attachment  ----------------------------
File name: gdl2.patch                     Size:3 KB
preliminary patch for EOAttribute property list encoding

=================== BUG #3637: FULL BUG SNAPSHOT ===================

Submitted by: dlatt                   Project: GNUstep                      
Submitted on: Fri 05/16/2003 at 13:08
Category:  gdl2                       Severity:  5 - Major                  
Bug Group:  Bug                       Resolution:  None                     
Assigned to:  ayers                   Status:  Open                         

Summary:  EOAttribute components read in from file but not written out

Original Submission:  The following components of EOAttribute are set in 
initWithPropertyList:owner: (resp. awakeWithPropertyList:), but they are not 
written to a property list in encodeIntoPropertyList:.
Thus, they are read in from an eomodeld-file, but not written out:


(maybe only width, precision, scale and allowsNull are important enough to be 
included in a first bugfix?)

Follow-up Comments

Date: Fri 05/16/2003 at 19:23       By: ayers
OK, I'm not sure when I'll be able to verify the actual format of 
parameterDirection on WO 4.5's .storedProcedure format.  But for now, I've 
uploaded a patch that fixes these issues, writes parameterDirection in the 
format of EOF of OS 4.2 yet parses both formats.  I'll commit it to cvs once 
I've verified it.

Date: Fri 05/16/2003 at 16:49       By: ayers
Almost have it...
Yet for parameterDirection GDL2 currently parses the strings @"in" @"out" 
@"inout" from a .storedProcedure file while the EOModeler of OS 4.2 writes the 
enum values 1 2 3 into the property list.  If someone could tell me what 
EOModeler of WO 4.5 does for stored procedure attributes, I can quickly finish 
the patch.  Otherwise I'll post a prelimanary patch, until I can find time to 
see what WO 4.5 actually writes into the model.

Date: Fri 05/16/2003 at 15:09       By: ayers

updateFormat and insertFormat have been superseded by writeFromat as 
selectFormat has been superseded by readFormat.  So we don't want to write 
models using the old names.  And when we read the old ones we put them in the 
new place.  I'm not sure about internalInfo but it shouldn't hurt, so unless 
someone objects, I'll also write it.  The others will be included in a bug fix 
I'm preparing.

CC list is empty

File Attachments

Date: Fri 05/16/2003 at 19:23  Name: gdl2.patch  Size: 3KB   By: ayers
preliminary patch for EOAttribute property list encoding

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