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Re: Bundles on darwin (gnu-gnu-gnu)

From: Adam Fedor
Subject: Re: Bundles on darwin (gnu-gnu-gnu)
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 20:13:44 -0600

On Friday, September 26, 2003, at 09:54 AM, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:


Please add the dlcompap - library to section 'extra libs needed' for
Or did you find another solution to load the bundle?

OK. Someday I should write a native implementation...

Would it make sence now to use -undefined suppress instead of -undefined
warning in target.make for linking of libraries and bundles?


Great work!
(It never worked for me because I didn't think of bundle1.o)

Yes, I had to google a bit to find that...

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