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[bug #24677] SystemPreferences installs by default into SYSTEM

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: [bug #24677] SystemPreferences installs by default into SYSTEM
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 08:38:06 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008092418 CentOS/3.0.2-3.el5.centos Firefox/3.0.2


                 Summary: SystemPreferences installs by default into SYSTEM
                 Project: GNUstep
            Submitted by: nico
            Submitted on: Tue 28 Oct 2008 08:38:05 AM GMT
                Category: Application
                Severity: 3 - Normal
              Item Group: Bug
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any



This is a bug - everything should always install into LOCAL
unless told otherwise.

We now fully support FHS which means that anything installing
into SYSTEM could be overwriting system stuff in /usr/bin,
/usr/lib, etc. Obviously any source tarball should not do
that and install politely install itself into LOCAL (which
becomes /usr/local on FHS) unless told otherwise.

Packagers will obviously install everything into SYSTEM, but
that's their responsibility.



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