Hello Georg,
Am Freitag, den 17.07.2009, 10:50 +0800 schrieb Georg Fleischmann:
here is a patch for Base to make GDL2 on Cocoa work with boolean
values from EOModels.
The boolean values in my EOModel files are stored as "Y" only, not a
complete "Yes" ( allowsNull = Y; ).
This ("Y") works fine on a complete GNUstep system, but fails with
the Compatibility code that is only allowing a complete "YES" (or
The attached patch makes this work for me with Cocoa.
I tried to make it similar to the latest boolValue method in
GSString, testing for "123456789yYtT".
Best wishes,
PS: I am still using Base-Version 1.15.0 on Apple, because the
current base-versions doesn't seem to compile any more with Mac OS
10.4.11. Anyway, [GSCompatibility -boolValue] didn't change since
I believe this is not correct. -boolValue is documented in Cocoa
to do
pretty much what the compatibility implementation does. So I believe
the "correct" fix would be to simply remove our compatibility
I could commit that patch right now, but I had second thoughts that
category would still be useful for older Cocoa/OS X versions. But
then, it should be synchronized with current implementation of -base.
It would be great if someone who understands the macro magic wrt. OS X
versions could compile the category conditionally and sync the
*** Source/Additions/GSCompatibility.m.old Thu Apr 12 22:27:47 2007
--- Source/Additions/GSCompatibility.m Fri Jul 17 10:29:29 2009
*** 390,404 ****
- (BOOL) boolValue
! if ([self caseInsensitiveCompare: @"YES"] == NSOrderedSame)
! return YES;
! }
! if ([self caseInsensitiveCompare: @"true"] == NSOrderedSame)
! {
! return YES;
! return [self intValue] != 0 ? YES : NO;
- (NSString*) substringFromRange:(NSRange)range
--- 390,405 ----
- (BOOL) boolValue
! if ([self length])
! unichar uc = [self characterAtIndex:0];
! if (uc <= 0x7F && strchr("123456789yYtT", (char)uc) != 0)
! {
! return YES;
! }
! return NO;
- (NSString*) substringFromRange:(NSRange)range
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