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Re: Newbie question

From: Grant Bowman
Subject: Re: Newbie question
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 09:18:08 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

* Rashim Gupta <rashimgupta@myrealbox.com> [020606 07:16]:
>     I had a quick question. I am a newbie interested in working on Kernel 
> development. I do have some prior experience in the Linux Kernel source code. 
> Now, I was wondering if I could infact try to install HURD on my Intel 386 
> machine or do I need a Mac for it. 
>     Also, what are some areas to look at in HURD so that even I can 
> contribute in this area.

The http://hurd.gnu.org web page is THE starting reference.  Please let
us know what suggestions you have for the website.

What did you work on in the Linux Kernel?


-- Grant Bowman                                <grantbow@grantbow.com>

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