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Re: gnu-20020523.tar.gz problems creating device-nodes

From: Robert Millan
Subject: Re: gnu-20020523.tar.gz problems creating device-nodes
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2002 16:12:33 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

Hello Ulrich,

As said on IRC, these appear to be the same problems we have
when running GNU/Hurd in Bochs. I was looking at it but don't
have time at the moment.

You can check http://khazad.dyndns.org/gnu-hurd for an installed
GNU system on which to reproduce it, and a list of the
encoutered problems.

If you're using Bochs, there's a builtin debugger. see
http://bochs.sourceforge.net/doc/docbook/user/x511.htm for
more information.

On Sun, Jun 09, 2002 at 02:00:56PM +0200, Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:
> #include <greetings>
> I was having troubles with the above tarball. Whenever native-install tried 
> to create more than 64 entries in /dev, the system hung. I can't give more 
> details (not even sure it is the 64th or 65th node that hangs the system) or 
> backtraces because of other problems. A quick workaround is
> -     /bin/sh ./MAKEDEV -v std ptyp ptyq
> +     /bin/sh ./MAKEDEV -v std
> +     /bin/sh ./MAKEDEV -v ptyp1 ptyp2 ptyp3 ptyp4 ptyp5 ptyp6 ptyp7 ptyp8 
> ptyp9
> +     /bin/sh ./MAKEDEV -v ptyq1 ptyq2 ptyq3 ptyq4 ptyq5 ptyq6 ptyq7 ptyq8 
> ptyq9
> I have no idea what those nodes are used for, could the imposed limit cause 
> other programs to fail ?
> The next problem I have is that I sometimes get a half-hanging system: I type 
> a command, and nothing happens. Even builtins like env or ls (correct me if 
> it is not built into bash) seem to hang until I press Ctrl-C. For logout, I 
> even get some more:
> hurd:~# exit
> logout
> <pause, then pressing Ctrl-C>
> ^Cbash: /root/.bsh_logout: Interrupted system call
> <pause, then pressing Ctrl-C>
> ^Cbash: /etc/bash.bash_logout: Interrupted system call
> <system hangs, no further interaction possible>
> These hangs happen without a yet conceivable pattern. Sometimes already 
> directly after booting so I can't even login, sometimes later.
> uli
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Robert Millan

"5 years from now everyone will be running
free GNU on their 200 MIPS, 64M SPARCstation-5"

              Andrew S. Tanenbaum, 30 Jan 1992

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