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Re: [PATCH gnumach 2/2] ipc: use a general lock to protect IPC spaces

From: Justus Winter
Subject: Re: [PATCH gnumach 2/2] ipc: use a general lock to protect IPC spaces
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2015 12:18:50 +0200
User-agent: alot/0.3.5

Quoting Richard Braun (2015-07-17 10:59:22)
> On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 03:24:30PM +0200, Justus Winter wrote:
> > This fixes a corruption in the radix trees representing the IPC spaces
> > when memory was tight.
> Would it be possible to use static analysis tools like coccinnelle to
> make sure general locks are never acquired from simple lock based
> critical sections ?

Yes, and I'd love to see that.  It is possible with coccinelle, but
only with manual intervention.

Coccinelle allows one to match on the syntax tree with a query
language that is essentially (aiui) CTL.  But the matching stops at
function boundaries, so in order to use coccinelle for the problem at
hand, one needs to build the set of all functions that do aquire a
general lock (and/or allocate memory).


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