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Re: VirtualBox Hangs Pre-Init Due To Ext2FS Fault

From: Justus Winter
Subject: Re: VirtualBox Hangs Pre-Init Due To Ext2FS Fault
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2015 14:50:52 +0200
User-agent: alot/0.3.5

Hello James :)

Quoting James Clarke (2015-07-15 22:20:57)
> I had a look today at what's happening, and it's that the *file*
> pager is trying to read from disk. Any thoughts?

There is another thing I forgot.  libpager is special, it has its own
demuxer (see libpager/demuxer.c) that writes requests into a queue,
and a pool of workers that process requests from said queue.

The thing is, when we inhibit the pager RPCs, we merely prevent new
ones from being enqueued, but we don't prevent the workers from
processing already enqueued requests.  So we indeed need to add
functions to inhibit and restart paging to libpager that know about
the queue.


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