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libtool relink patch for non-root install

From: David I. Lehn
Subject: libtool relink patch for non-root install
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 11:59:53 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.18i

While doing Debian packaging for GStreamer I hit the problem of the
libtool 1.4b relink code not working when you install somewhere other
than /.

After some searching I found RedHat has a patched 'fixed-ltmain.sh' file
for gtk packaging based on 1.4(?) libtool ltmain.sh:

Many attempts at other work arounds failed.  It appears a patch like
this is -required- to get relinking to work when not installing to /.
In my case I use 'make install prefix=...' and this patch allows that to
work.  Attached is the patch relative to ltmain.sh in Debian libtool
1.4b package.

Thanks goes to RedHat hackers for this one.

David I. Lehn <address@hidden>  | http://www.lehn.org/~dlehn/
Computer Engineering Graduate @ Virginia Tech in sunny Blacksburg, VA

Attachment: ltmain.sh-1.4b-relinkable.diff
Description: Text document

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