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Re: libtool fails without a CXX compiler installed

From: Eric Sandall
Subject: Re: libtool fails without a CXX compiler installed
Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 14:24:25 -0700
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Quoting Bob Friesenhahn <address@hidden>:
The problems I have heard about up until now have been that autoconf "found" a C++ compiler, but it was discovered not to work. In this case, autoconf's macro throws up its hands and spontaneously quits.

So libtool is not working if there is no C++ at all?

Correct. I built my system without g++ installed. Then added xorg, which
needs pkgconfig down the dependency line, but that failed. I installed
g++ and then pkgconfig would compile fine. After some tests of
pkgconfig 0.17.2, 0.16.0, and 0.15.0 I found that the first two fail
without g++ installed, but the last, 0.15.0, works fine without g++
installed. I filed a bug[0] with pkgconfig and they told me that
libtool is where the failure is occurring even though an older version
of pkgconfig worked fine.


[0] https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3376

Eric Sandall                        |  Source Mage GNU/Linux Developer
eric at sandall.us PGP: 0xA8EFDD61  |  http://www.sourcemage.org/
http://eric.sandall.us/             |  SysAdmin @ Inst. Shock Physics @
http://counter.li.org/  #196285     |  http://www.shock.wsu.edu/

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