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Re: measure numbering problems

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: Re: measure numbering problems
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 00:28:38 +0200

address@hidden writes:
>    b,4 a,8 g, fis,4. g,8              % 8
>    \property Score.measureLength = #(make-moment 3 4)
>    < d,2. g, >                        % 9
>    \bar ":|:"
>    \property Score.measureLength = #(make-moment 1 4)
>    b,8 a,8            % 10
>    \property Score.measureLength = #(make-moment 1 1)
>    d4 a,8 c b,4 g8 d          % 11
> Other experienced users, please speak up if you have a better solution 
> for this.

Measures refer to the rhythmic patterns in the score. Repeats do not
affect that pattern, and shouldn't get special treatment for measure

If you see what you're suggesting above in a real score, then the
immortal quote of one of my horn-teacher is appropriate: "Mozart!
Didn't know how to compose."

(Insert your favorite composer here :-)

Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   address@hidden   |   http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen 

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