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lilypond-2.1.0-2 - many notes an octave too low

From: lilypond
Subject: lilypond-2.1.0-2 - many notes an octave too low
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2003 15:29:01 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i586; en-US; rv:1.3) Gecko/20030327 Debian/1.3-4

From the tutorial example showing "the key signature, accidentals and ties in action":
\score {
    \notes {
        \time 4/4
        \key g \minor
        \clef violin
        r4 r8 a8 gis4 b
        g8 d4.~ d e'8
        fis4 fis8 fis8 eis4  a8 gis~
        gis2 r2
    \paper { }

The result from debian package lilypond-2.1.0-2 is:
address@hidden:~$ lilypond try.ly
lilypond (GNU LilyPond) 2.1.0
Running usr...
Now processing: `try.ly'
Interpreting music...[5]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Calculating line breaks... [3][5]
paper output to `try.tex'...

Analyzing try.tex...
Running latex...
Running dvips...
Running ps2pdf...
DVI output to `try.dvi'...
PDF output to `try.pdf'...
PS output to `try.ps'...

The viewed output (in acroread) shows *all* notes *except* the E natural at the end of bar 2 to be *one octave* too low.

This seems like a bug... Is there a detour?

Thanks for all your work on lilypond.

Simon Dalley

PS: The reason I am using 2.1.0 is beause no Debian package of any stable version since 1.4 is available on the Debian mirrors.

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