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Re: 2.4.2:numerous convert-ly bugs

From: Erik Sandberg
Subject: Re: 2.4.2:numerous convert-ly bugs
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004 00:00:30 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.6.2

On Friday 17 December 2004 13.37, address@hidden wrote:
> I based my code on your example for printing chord names without
> staffs.  The resulting file was only two pages of music, but was going
> to be the basis for more extensive effort in my music studies.
> convert-ly failed as follows:
> 1) It failed to convert my page size when using papersize = "letter".
> 2) It failed to convert pagenumber = "no"
> 3) It created syntax error with the \key bes \major specification which
> formerly enabled me to put key signature in front of staffless chords
> when I added appropriate engraver.
> 4) It increased the font size in my headers.
> 5) Spacing between multiple lines of chords increased.
> 6) Invisible rest that I added after page break to fake it into working
> between consecutive scores became larger vertically.
> Latex is now complaining about not finding fonts.
> And like a fool, I used -e option on convert-ly so I no longer have my
> original file.  

Be careful now! convert-ly creates a backup copy. If your original file was 
called "foo.ly", the backup is stored in "foo.ly~". If it's still there, we 
would appreciate a copy so we can locate the bug.

> I was diluted into trusting the robustness of the 
> program because of the robust behavior I saw with the remarkable clean
> formatting behavior the the program shows in music formatting and
> pervious 100% success rate with convert-ly.

If you depend heavily on tweaks, I recommend you to avoid switching between 
lilypond versions.

> You people had better be careful.  Unless this is a fluke, you may be
> losing control of your code.  It has given me second thoughts about
> using lilypond for any substantual effort.

We are aware of this problem, and are having discussions on how to prevent it 
in the future.


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