\version "2.5.25" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % do stuff in 16pt. font. #(set-global-staff-size 16) #(set-default-paper-size "letter") \paper { bottommargin = 1.0\cm topmargin = .5\cm leftmargin = 2.0\cm linewidth = \hsize - 4.0\cm raggedbottom = ##t } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% clarinetnotessectiona = \transpose bes, c { %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % if you change this to an unfold repeat then the MIDI screw up doesn't % happen below. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \repeat volta 2 { a'8. d''16 fis''16 a''16 | gis''8 a''8. \glissando gis''16 \glissando | a''8 b''8 \times 2/3 { c'''16 [ b''16 a''16 ] } | g''8 fis''8 e''16 d''16 | a'8. d''16 fis''16 a''16 | fis''32 a''32 gis''8. \times 2/3 { c'''16 [ b''16 a''16 ] } | gis''32 b''32 a''16 ~ a''4 | g''8 fis''8 \times 2/3 { fis''16 [ e''16 d''16 ] } | a'8. d''16 fis''16 a''16 | gis''16 a''4 \glissando gis''16 \glissando | a''8 b''8 \times 2/3 { c'''16 [ b''16 a''16 ] } | g''8 fis''8 e''16 d''16 | e''8. b''16 a''16 g''16 | fis''8. d''32 fis''32 e''16 cis''32 e''32 | d''8. d'''16 a''16 fis''16 | } \alternative { { d''4 gis'8 | } { d''4. | } } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % MIDI error occurs here!!!! % % transition after unfolded repeat causes the remaining notes % to get very messed up in the midi. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% d'''4. ~ | d'''4 e'''8 | c'''4. ~ | c'''8 d'''8 d'''8 | b''4. ~ | b''8. a''16 \times 2/3 { c'''16 [ b''16 a''16 ] } | gis''32 b''32 a''16 ~ a''4 ~ | a''8. a'32 b'32 cis''32 d''32 e''32 eis''32 | } clarinetnotes = { \key a \major \time 3/8 \clarinetnotessectiona \bar "|." } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \book { \score { \override Score.BarNumber #'padding = #2.0 \new Staff \with { instrument = \markup { "Clarinet" } instr = \markup { "Cla." } } { \clef violin \new Voice { \clarinetnotes } } \layout { latexoptions=twoside } } } \score { \unfoldrepeats { \context Staff = "clarinet" \with { midiInstrument = "clarinet" } { \new Voice { \transposition bes \clarinetnotes } } } \midi { \tempo 8 = 135 } }