\header { filename = "ode.ly" enteredby = "Peter Chubb" composer = "L. V. Beethoven (1770--1827)" date = "c. 1800" title = "Ode to Joy" metre = "8 7 8 7 D" meter = \metre mutopiatitle = \title mutopiacomposer = \composer style = "Hymn" source = "Various" copyright = "Public Domain" maintainer = "Peter Chubb" maintainerEmail = "address@hidden" lastupdated = "2005/Jan/11" footer = "Mutopia-2005/01/18-528" tagline = "\\raisebox{10mm}{\\parbox{188mm}{\\quad\\small\\noindent " + \footer + " \\hspace{\\stretch{1}} This music is part of the Mutopia project: \\hspace{\\stretch{1}} \\texttt{http://www.MutopiaProject.org/}\\\\ \\makebox[188mm][c]{It has been typeset and placed in the public domain by " + \maintainer + ".} \\makebox[188mm][c]{Unrestricted modification and redistribution is permitted and encouraged---copy this music and share it!}}}" } \version "2.4.0" sop = \transpose c c'{ \voiceOne \aikenHeads b4 b c' d' | d' c' b a | g g a b | b4. a8 a2 \bar "||" b4 b c' d' | d' c' b a | g g a b | a4. g8 g2 \bar "||" a4 a b g | a b8[( c']) b4 g | a b8[( c']) b4 a | g a d2 \bar "||" b4 b c' d' | d' c' b a | g g a b | a4. g8 g2 | } alto = \transpose c c'{ \voiceTwo \aikenHeads g4 g a g | g4. a8 g4 fis | d d fis g| g4. fis8 fis2 | g4 g a g | g4. a8 g4 fis | d d fis g| g4 fis d2 | d4 d d d | d d d d | d d fis fis | e cis d2 | d4 g a a b g8[( a]) g4 e | e d fis g |g fis g2 | } tenor = { \voiceOne \aikenHeads d'4 d' c' b | e'4. d'8 d'4 d' | b b d' d' | d'4. d'8 d'2 \bar "||" d'4 d' c' b | e'4. d'8 d'4 d' | b b d' d' | d'4 d' b2 \bar "||" fis4 fis g e | fis g8[( a8]) g4 e | fis fis fis b | b a g( fis) \bar "||" g4 d' f' f' | g'4. d'8 d'4 c' | g g c' d' | d' d' b2 } bass = { \voiceTwo \aikenHeads g4 g g g | e4. fis8 g4 d | b b a g | d4. d8 d2 | g4 g g g | e4. fis8 g4 d | b b a g | d d g,2 | d4 d d d | d d d d | d d dis dis | e a, d2 | g4 g f f | e4. fis8 g4 c | c b, a, g, | d d g,2 | } global = { \time 4/4 \key g \major \skip 1*16 \bar "|." } upperStaff = \context Staff = upper<< \global \clef "violin" << \context Voice = "sop" \sop \context Voice = "alto" \alto >> >> lowerStaff = \context Staff = lower<< \global \clef "bass" << \context Voice = "tenor" \tenor \context Voice = "bass" \bass >> >> \score{ << \upperStaff \lowerStaff >> \layout { indent = 0.0\mm } \midi { \tempo 4=100 } }