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Lyric extender line bug

From: liang seng
Subject: Lyric extender line bug
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 15:09:46 +0000

Hi, I am typing a work for soprano by Mozart and I encountered into a problem with the lyrics extender lines. I'm using Lilypond 2.7.17 for Windows. Here is an extract of the complete file:

\version "2.7.17"
\relative c'
\clef treble
 \key f \major
 \time 4/4  \autoBeamOff
g'4 r4 c2\melisma  \break
bes16[ c bes a] bes[ f' e f] e[ f g f] e[ d c bes] a[ bes c d] c4 a16[ bes c d] c4 bes16[ c bes a] bes[ f' e f] e[ f g f] e[ d c bes] a[ bes c d] c4 a16[ bes c d] c4 | d2~d16[ bes f' e] g[ f e f] c2~c16[ a f' e] g[ f e f] bes,2~bes16[ e g f] e[ d c bes] a4\melismaEnd r4 c8[( a]) d[( c]) bes4 a \appoggiatura c16 bes4 a8[( g]) f4 r4 r2 }

\addlyrics { me, "  " __ psal -- lant ae -- the -- ra cum me. }

Here, the lyric extender line starts from bar 1 until the beginning of bar 9 and the extender line is meant to be a continous line. However, what happened was the line only starts near the middle on bar 4 and is completely missing on bar 7. I used break after the 1st bar to show that the extender line starts on the 2nd note of bar 2 and not the 1st, as it should. Why is this? Is this a bug and can it be fixed? This happened in both Windows 98 and Mac. I've heard this bug does not appear in Windows XP but since I do not use one, I cannot confirm that.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely,
Seng Liang

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