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lilypond bug with tome changes ?

From: Jacques
Subject: lilypond bug with tome changes ?
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 07:23:17 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)

 like to write in lilypond the sonate for two clarinets of Poulenc.

Ther are may changes of times in the score 7/4,  5/4, 3/4 etc.

When I change to 2/4 I have a problem. Lilypond write it to 3/8.

I send you the text file ad the pdf file.

I hope you can help me.

Here I send you the text.

\version "2.11.61"

\header {
 title = "SONATA"
 subtitle = "for Two Clarinets (Bb and A)"
 composer = "Francis Poulenc"
 date = "(1918)"

%\header {
%piece = "I. Presto"
%%Besklarinet = \new Voice { \relative c''{
%%%%%%%  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Clarinet in Bb"

%%%  \tempoMark "Presto"
\version "2.11.61"

\relative c'' {\key c \major \relative c'' \time 2/4}


\time 7/4 
cis'8--( \ff ^\markup {Presto} ais16 gis eis4 dis8 eis gis ais cis4 gis8 ais8
eis4 ) | cis'8--( ais16 gis eis4 dis8 eis gis ais cis4 gis8 ais8 eis4 ) \bar 
\time 5/4 cis'4( gis8 ais eis4 dis8 eis gis ais \bar "||"
\time 3/4 cis4 ) gis8( ais eis4 ) \bar "||"
\time 5/4 cis'4\pp( gis8 ais eis4 dis8 eis gis ais \bar "||"
\time 3/4 cis4 ) gis8( ais eis4 ) \bar "||"
\time 5/4 cis'4( gis8 ais eis4 dis8 eis gis ais \bar "||"
\time 3/4 cis4 ) gis8( ais eis4 ) \bar "||"
\time 5/4 cis'4( gis8 ais eis4 dis8 eis gis ais | cis4) gis8( ais eis4 dis8 eis
gis ais \bar "||" 
\time 3/4 cis4 ( gis8( ais eis4 | cis'4 ) gis8( ais eis4) | cis'4 ( gis8( ais
eis4) \bar "||"
\time 5/4 r8 cis'-. c-. b-. ais-. gis-. eis-. e4-. e'-. ^\markup { , \italic
silence} \bar "||"
\time 2/4 
\appoggiatura { dis32[ eis] } dis8. b16 eis a fis d |
\appoggiatura { dis32[ eis] } dis8. b16 e a fis d |
r16 cis' c b \times 4/7 { ais16 a gis g fis f e } |
\appoggiatura {dis32[ eis] } dis8. b16 e a fis d | \appoggiatura {dis,32[ eis]}
dis8. b16 e a fis d |
ais8 gis r32 dis32 eis gis ais gis eis dis | ais8 gis \times 8/12 { gis ais b c
cis d dis e dis d cis b} |
ais8 gis gis16 dis32 eis gis ais e b |

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