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Re: Problem with rendering chords + lyrics at the same time in 2.13.6-1

From: Trevor Daniels
Subject: Re: Problem with rendering chords + lyrics at the same time in 2.13.6-1
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 09:13:38 -0000

This is a bug, but it is quite hard to nail down.

It seems that Lily tries to cram too much onto a
page, and in the attempt causes the chords line
to overlap with the staff.  Any change which
causes Lily to generate an extra page provides
enough space to render correctly again.  This
might be changing any of the \paper variables,
adding notes or lyrics, etc, making it seem non-
deterministic, but of course the behaviour is
deterministic, just complex.

Karai, does this explanation match what you observe?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Karai Csaba" <address@hidden>
To: <address@hidden>
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 6:21 AM
Subject: Problem with rendering chords + lyrics at the same time in 2.13.6-1


I have a problem, that chords are rendered onto the staff in some cases. It's quite hard to create a minimal sample, as the bug is not deterministic. If I change the lyrics, or add new notes, it's possible that it is rendered well,
so I send the file as it is.

- first line always OK
- second or third lines are sometimes misrendered.

Thanks in advance,



\paper {
 indent = 0\mm
 paper-width =  128\mm
 paper-height =  67\mm
 top-margin = 0\mm
 bottom-margin = 0\mm
 left-margin = 0\mm
 right-margin = 0\mm

#(set-global-staff-size 16)

\version "2.13.6"

\score {
d2 a d1 g2 a d1 g2 a d b:m e:m a d1 d2 a d1 g2 a d1 g2 a d b:m e:m a d1
   \relative c''
     \key d \major
     fis,4. fis8 g ( fis4 ) e8 d2 r4 r8 d
     b'4. b8 a4. b8 a2 r4 r8 d,
     b'4. b8 cis4. cis8 d4_ ( a fis ) r8 d
     e4. e8 fis ( e4 ) d8 d2 r4 r8 a
     fis'4. fis8 g4 e d2 r4 r8 d
     b'4 b a4. b8 a2 r4 r8 d,
     b'4 b cis4. cis8 d4_ ( a fis ) r8 d
     e4 e fis8 ( e4 ) d8 d2 r
     \bar "|."
   \addlyrics {
This is a song. This is a song. This is a song. This is a song. This is a
This is a song. A B C D E F This is a song. It's a song. This is a song.
This is a song.
     a b

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