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Re: Angry Birds - musicxml2ly errors

From: Francisco Vila
Subject: Re: Angry Birds - musicxml2ly errors
Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 22:23:47 +0200

2012/5/24 Francisco Vila <address@hidden>:
> Whoever did this in MuseScore, put a pitched rest in measure 54 in the
> wrong staff. That produces


> Then, there is an e2 ~ s4. which doesn't make sense (see bar 66 in
> PartPOneVoiceSix, line 226), changing that line into

Let me add that this is _exactly_ the awful sort of things you could
expect from a visual program. Wysiwyg has a trap: the hidden code of
your otherwise beautilful document behind the surface, could be full
of inconsistencies.

That reminds me a case when I had to 'debug' an HTML page made by a
friend; the code had several pages of rubbish HTML code with
hundredths of tags, _only to produce a single blank space on screen_!!

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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