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Re: [LSR v-2.18] "Easy Rhythm Template Creation" does not compile.

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: [LSR v-2.18] "Easy Rhythm Template Creation" does not compile.
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 23:04:31 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Thomas Morley <address@hidden> writes:

> 2014-02-25 9:11 GMT+01:00 Pierre Perol-Schneider
> <address@hidden>:
>> Any idea ?
> Hi Pierre,
> you could use event-chord-wrap!
> see attached file
> I feel the snippet should be rewritten to reflect 'EventChord changes.
> Though, I can only start looking deeper into it next weekend.

We had it already in
but it can be done easier using make-relative in 2.18:

\version "2.18.0"

rhythmTemplate =
#(define-scheme-function (parser location pattern) (ly:music?)
   (define-music-function (parser location chord) (ly:music?)
     (make-relative (chord) chord
        (lambda (m)
          (and (music-is-of-type? m 'skip-event)
               (let ((dur (ly:music-property m 'duration))
                     (art (ly:music-property m 'articulations))
                     (res (ly:music-deep-copy chord)))
                 ;; transfer duration of skip to all elements with duration
                  (lambda (c)
                    (and (ly:duration? (ly:music-property c 'duration))
                           (set! (ly:music-property c 'duration) dur)
                 ;; transfer articulations of skip to all relevant targets
                  (lambda (c)
                    (let ((prop
                           (cond ((music-is-of-type? c 'event-chord) 'elements)
                                 ((music-is-of-type? c 'rhythmic-event) 
                                 (else #f))))
                      (and prop
                             (set! (ly:music-property c prop)
                                   (append (ly:music-property c prop)
        (ly:music-deep-copy pattern)))))

rhya = \rhythmTemplate {s8.-> s16 s8}
rhyb = \rhythmTemplate {s8[ r16 s16 s8]}
rhyc = \rhythmTemplate {s16 s~ s4}

rhyd = \rhythmTemplate { \times 2/3 { s8 s8 s8 } s4 s4 s8 s8 s4 }
rhye = \rhythmTemplate { \times 2/3 { s8---\pp s8-- s8-- } s4--
                                      s4-- s8-- s8-- s4-- }
rhyf = \rhythmTemplate { \times 2/3 { s4 \times 2/3 { s8 s-> s } s4 } }

 \new Staff \relative c'
  \time 6/8
  \rhya c \rhyb c' |
  \rhya <c, e> \rhyb <c f> |
  \rhyc <c e> \rhyc <c d> |
  \time 5/4
  \rhyd c
  \rhyd e
  \rhye <c e g>
  \time 4/4
  \rhyf c \rhyf d
And of course, this just _begs_ for the "pure rhythm" feature of 2.19:

\version "2.19.0"

rhythmTemplate =
#(define-scheme-function (parser location pattern) (ly:music?)
   (define-music-function (parser location chord) (ly:music?)
     (make-relative (chord) chord
        (lambda (m)
          (and (music-is-of-type? m 'note-event)
               (not (or (ly:music-property m 'pitch #f)
                        (ly:music-property m 'drum-type #f)))
               (let ((dur (ly:music-property m 'duration))
                     (art (ly:music-property m 'articulations))
                     (res (ly:music-deep-copy chord)))
                 ;; transfer duration of skip to all elements with duration
                  (lambda (c)
                    (and (ly:duration? (ly:music-property c 'duration))
                           (set! (ly:music-property c 'duration) dur)
                 ;; transfer articulations of skip to all relevant targets
                  (lambda (c)
                    (let ((prop
                           (cond ((music-is-of-type? c 'event-chord) 'elements)
                                 ((music-is-of-type? c 'rhythmic-event) 
                                 (else #f))))
                      (and prop
                             (set! (ly:music-property c prop)
                                   (append (ly:music-property c prop)
        (ly:music-deep-copy pattern)))))

rhya = \rhythmTemplate {8.-> 16 8}
rhyb = \rhythmTemplate {8[ r16 16 8]}
rhyc = \rhythmTemplate {16 16~ 4}

rhyd = \rhythmTemplate { \times 2/3 { 8 8 8 } 4 4 8 8 4 }
rhye = \rhythmTemplate { \times 2/3 { 8---\pp 8-- 8-- } 4--
                                      4-- 8-- 8-- 4-- }
rhyf = \rhythmTemplate { \times 2/3 { 4 \times 2/3 { 8 8-> 8 } 4 } }

 \new Staff \relative c'
  \time 6/8
  \rhya c \rhyb c' |
  \rhya <c, e> \rhyb <c f> |
  \rhyc <c e> \rhyc <c d> |
  \time 5/4
  \rhyd c
  \rhyd e
  \rhye <c e g>
  \time 4/4
  \rhyf c \rhyf d
But it will be some time before that is available in a stable version of

David Kastrup

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