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Re: easyHeads size

From: Simon Albrecht
Subject: Re: easyHeads size
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2016 00:53:33 +0100

Hi Andrew,

it’s your turn to be more diligent. The given example quite clearly shows that the \huge and \teeny commands basically work as desired. They can be used in music to set the context property fontSize. The bug is that easyHeads don’t make use of this context property.

Best, Simon

On 12.11.2016 00:37, Andrew Bernard wrote:
Hello Tanner,

Don't be so quick to assign a bug! :-)

The \huge command only applies to text in markups, not noteheads.

To change the notehead size you can increase the global staff size, or you
can adjust the size of the notehead grob itself.

For example:

   \override NoteHead.font-size = #3

But note that this does not take account of the staff size, and making the
noteheads bigger will overlap the staff lines.

Although this is not stated directly and explicitly in words in the notation
reference manual, the documentation of \huge is under markup and this tends
to imply it is for markup, not noteheads. But given that the way to change
the size shown above is to alter the font size of the note, one could be
forgiven for thinking the text markup commands would apply.

A topic like this would be seen by far more people on the user list. So,
better move the topic there and continue the discussion to clarify what you


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