% basically taken from http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/notation/techniques-specific-to-lyrics#lyrics-and-repeats \paper { #(set-paper-size "a4" 'landscape) } \score { << \new Staff { \new Voice = "melody" { \relative { a'4 a a a \repeat volta 3 { b4 b b b } c4 c c c \repeat volta 3 { b4 b b b } c4 c c c } } } \new Lyrics = "firstVerse" \lyricsto "melody" { Not re -- peat -- ed. << { The first time words. } \new Lyrics = "secondVerse" \with { alignBelowContext = "firstVerse" } { \set associatedVoice = "melody" Sec -- ond time words. } \new Lyrics = "thirdVerse" \with { alignBelowContext = "secondVerse" } { \set associatedVoice = "melody" The third time words. } >> The end sec -- tion. << { The first time words. } \new Lyrics = "secondVerse" \with { alignBelowContext = "firstVerse" } { \set associatedVoice = "melody" Sec -- ond time words. } \new Lyrics = "thirdVerse" \with { alignBelowContext = "secondVerse" } { \set associatedVoice = "melody" The third time words. } >> The end sec -- tion. } \new Voice = "harmony" { \relative { f'4 f f f \repeat volta 2 { g8 g g4 g2 } a4 a8. a16 a2 \repeat volta 2 { g8 g g4 g2 } a4 a8. a16 a2 } } >> }