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Re: Bug: Repeated chords (via "q") are not rendered when using ly:book-p

From: Jean Abou Samra
Subject: Re: Bug: Repeated chords (via "q") are not rendered when using ly:book-process.
Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2024 17:00:48 +0200
User-agent: Evolution 3.50.4 (3.50.4-1.fc39)

> In contrast to Jean, I have a different point of view.  I think it
> would be *very* valuable to have documentation strings of *all*
> functions that might be useful in the long run

Oh, that's also my point of view — it *would* be very valuable.
Just... IMO not realistic. It already took me weeks to write
the extending-lilypond guide (not counting the effort to understand
the code base in the first place). "rg '```\{func\}' | wc -l" tells
me that currently 76 functions are documented in the guide, so the
multiplier to get more usable documentation for all functions that
are already documented is already ~10, and there are the undocumented
ones also.

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