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From: Wendy Palm
Subject: make-3.8
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2002 15:25:00 -0500

i recently downloaded make-3.80 and test-compiled it on a cray.
it failed.  3.79.1 doesn't.

i finally boiled the problem down a change made 2001-05-06
to create a new macro MAKE_JOBSERVER.  this macro requires
HAVE_SA_RESTART, which is not defined in cray's <signal.h>.
therefore, <fcntl.h> isn't included in main.c, and line 818 in
main.c fails with O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_WRONLY undefined.
(HAVE_FDOPEN IS defined).  explicitly including <fcntl.h>
compiles and tests correctly.

i'm not on the developers' list, so i don't know what discussion
went into this change.  

also, alloca.c needs modifications.  i know many packages use this.
where should i send the changes (i.e. _CRAY is no longer correct,
and CRAY2's no longer exist, etc.)


wendy palm
Cray OS Sustaining Engineering, Cray Inc.
address@hidden, 651-605-9154

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