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evaluates differently on different operating systems

From: michael j pan
Subject: evaluates differently on different operating systems
Date: Sun, 09 Nov 2003 22:03:06 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031007

given the attached file,

scheme_term(N, [a, a|b])

gprolog 1.2.16 returns "no" on a "i686 athlon linux" machine.

the correct answer, returned by a "sunos national 5.8 sun4u sparc sunw
ultra-60" machine, should be

  this message is digitally signed.
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%Damon Gilkerson 802-831-346

scheme_term(L, S) :- datum(S, L, []).
datum(S) --> simple_datum(S).
datum(S) --> compound_datum(S).
simple_datum(S) --> boolean(S).
simple_datum(S) --> symbol(S).
boolean('#f') --> ['#f'].
boolean('#t') --> ['#t'].
symbol(S,[S|A], A) :- S\==[], S\=='(', S\=')', S\=='.', S\=='''', atom(S).
compound_datum(S) --> list(S).
list(S) --> abbreviation(S).
list(S) --> ['('], datum_star(S, N),[')'], {integer(N)}.
list([S1,S2]) -->  ['('], datum_plus(S1,N),['.'], datum(S2), [')'], 
{integer(N), list(S2)}.
list(S) -->  {var(S)}, ['('], !, datum_plus(S1,N),['.'], datum(S2), [')'], 
{integer(N), concat(S1,S2,S), atom(S2)}.
list(S) -->  {nonvar(S), concat(S1,S2,S), atom(S2)}, ['('], 
!,datum_plus(S1,N),['.'], datum(S2), [')'], {integer(N)}.
abbreviation([S1,S2]) --> abbrev_prefix(S1), datum(S2).
abbrev_prefix(quote) --> [''''].

datum_star([],0) --> [].
datum_star([S1|S2], N) --> datum(S1), datum_star(S2,N0), {N is N0 + 1}.
datum_star([S1|S2], N) --> datum(S1), ['.'], ['('], datum_star(S2,N0), [')'], 
{N is N0 + 1}.
datum_plus([S1|S2], N) --> datum(S1), datum_star(S2,N0), {N is N0 + 1}.

concat([L1|[]], S, [L1|S]).
concat([L1|L2], S, [L1|E]) :- L2\=[], concat(L2, S, E).

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