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Re: Bug in GNU Prolog 1.2.16

From: Lindsey Spratt
Subject: Re: Bug in GNU Prolog 1.2.16
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 13:53:38 -0500

Only kind of a bug.

"X = X + 1" causes infinitely recursing unification. GProlog has a pessimal approach to reporting infinite recursing -- it crashes.

You probably meant: "X is X + 1."
This would still not work, but it would gracefully fail (or raise an exception if "X" is unbound). You can't use destructive assignment in Prolog (hooray!).

You need something like: "X is Y + 1."

Lindsey Spratt

On Feb 20, 2006, at 2:42 PM, Henry Falconer wrote:

sorry I didn't have time to check this in the latest unstable, but it's
definitely reproducible in the latest stable version (1.2.16) on Windows.
Anyway, the bug is as follows: start up GNU Prolog, no extra files to
load or anything, just enter "X = X + 1." and press return. The program
just exits with no error messages.

Henry Falconer

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