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Problems with GNU Prolog 1.3.1 unstable

From: Paulo Moura
Subject: Problems with GNU Prolog 1.3.1 unstable
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 17:21:57 +0100


I'm trying the latest unstable version of GNU Prolog (1.3.1) on MacOS X 10.5.5 Intel. Using default configure flags (except for prefix) allows for a smooth compilation and installation but GNU Prolog gives me a "Bus error" when trying to run Logtalk with it. The problem seems to be a bug in the processing of the initialization/1 directive. Commenting out this directive and the error is gone.

Trying to compile GNU Prolog with the configure option --disable-regs leads to an error in make:

gplc -c wam_emit.wam
[ ! -f  pl2wam ] || cp pl2wam pl2wam0
gplc -o pl2wam --no-fd-lib --min-bips pl2wam.o read_file.o bip_list.o syn_sugar.o internal.o code_gen.o reg_alloc.o inst_codif.o first_arg.o indexing.o wam_emit.o
gplc -c --fast-math fd2c.pl
compilation failed
make[1]: *** [fd2c.o] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 1

None of these problems is present in the stable 1.3.0 version.

Best regards,


Paulo Jorge Lopes de Moura
Dep. of Computer Science, University of Beira Interior
6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal

Office 4.3  Ext. 3257
Phone: +351 275319891 Fax: +351 275319899
Email: <mailto:address@hidden>

Home page: <http://www.di.ubi.pt/~pmoura>
Research:  <http://logtalk.org/>

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