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Re: find_and_load() may load different file than stat()'ed

From: Stepan Kasal
Subject: Re: find_and_load() may load different file than stat()'ed
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 09:51:13 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

        thank you for your bug report and for the fix.

On Sun, Aug 29, 2004 at 08:40:33AM +0200, Martin Husemann wrote:
>   http://www.netbsd.org/cgi-bin/query-pr-single.pl?number=26791
> I think what happens is that makeinfo/node.c:split_file() uses stat() to
> determine the file_size variable and then calls find_and_load() with use_path
> = 1, and this finds a different sized (older) file with the same name (due to

> I worked around it by changing the call to find_and_load() to not use
> the path [...]

I think this is indeed the right fix.
We really shouldn't use the patch while opening our own _output_ files.
Note that clean_old_split_files, which is called just before split_file(),
doesn't use path either.

So the line should indeed be changed to:

  the_file = find_and_load (filename, 0);

Thanks again,
        Stepan Kasal

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