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Re: [bug #35543] add DOCTYPE to HTML output

From: Václav Zeman
Subject: Re: [bug #35543] add DOCTYPE to HTML output
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 11:51:13 +0100
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/0.7.1

On 2012-02-16 23:44, address@hidden wrote:
I have noticed on monotone documentation uses too small fonts. It
turned out to be a problem with standards vs quirks mode. It appears that adding a DOCTYPE to the generated HTML fixes this. The attached
    patch does just that.

Thanks for the report and patch, but ...

I can only surmise it's actually a problem with the browser and/or if
something special is being done by monotone.  The HTML we generate is
(intentionally) very plain and there is no reason why it should be "too
small".  It isn't for me, in general.
The problem is not in Monotone docs. The problem is that when an HTML document does not have DOCTYPE then it gets rendered by most browsers in a quirks mode. This mode sort of follows what IE did do and one of the (many) differences between quirks and standards mode is font size.

In any case, the development code does generate a doctype, so I guess we
can hope that whatever is going on will be fix itself eventually.


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